By Samsonites - 28/03/2009 03:15 - United States

Today, I finally decided to tell him I love him. He told me that he loved me too... like a sister. The love of my life has been sleeping with his "sister" for three months. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 052
You deserved it 5 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Well it could have been a slip of the tongue. He most likely does not think of you as a sister. I say most likely because there is a chance that he is an incest obsessed freak. But he probably just added on "sister" to analogize his love for you.

therealdavid 0
King_of_Kings 3

maybe you are his sister. it happens.

**** you! I live in Alabama and not everybody here is a redneck moron that ***** their sister!

........................................................................................................................................................................I'm speechless.

Maybe he's into incest? Think positive!

Pocahontas22_fml 0

there's nothing positive about that

King_of_Kings 3

like i said in comment #3, maybe the poster is his sister

been there, done that. then i ****** up his car :)