
By kitkat545 - 15/06/2009 23:18 - United States

Today, my husband called me from work just to chat. He asked what I had been up to today. I was feeling frisky so I told him all about how I had gotten horny, watched a porno and masturbated earlier. It wasn't until I heard the hoots and laughter that I realized he had me on speakerphone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 072
You deserved it 50 990

Same thing different taste

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...Why would he call you up 'just to chat' and put you on speakerphone? That's just rude.

And that's why you don't talk about things like this on phone...


LOL, well that's a spot of trouble.

hellokittywhore 0

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iamsam2 3

cant u tell by the echo tht u r on loudspeaker

And that's why you don't talk about things like this on phone...

flighted 1

I always wondered why when people are at work in office settings they always have people on speaker phone?? my dad does the same thing. I mean I'll call him and won't know he's on speakerphone with a table full of other people but my call is urgent and an emergency I don't want other people to know. and I find out I'm on speaker phone by him frantically saying hold on and taking me off

FHL - He won't be escaping anytime soon.

wowww from the number of visits you have to FML, u need to get a life

awsumelefants 0

hahaha is he fired? ... for ... you know ... a professional term that means "your wife was saying sexual stuff on the phone and youre gonna get blamed for it"

That's ****** lol. I *ALWAYS* tell people Im on the phone with wether Im on speaker phone or not in the beginning of the convo.. To avoid an over dose of drama :P

see, that's the smart and only way to avoid embarrassing situations like the one OP had

...Why would he call you up 'just to chat' and put you on speakerphone? That's just rude.

I agree, I'm confused on why he would call "just to chat" and put u on speaker. Sounds like a set-up.

Authoress 0

That sucks! I have to agree with #11, I think he might have set you up. He should have said you were on speakerphone. FYL.