By Ecce - 10/07/2010 12:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend jumping on my bed exclaiming that he had "won the lottery." He broke the bed. Turns out he only won £15.80. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 3 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Well, if I've learned anything from MacGyver, £15, a blanket, and some duct tape, will make a pretty sweet hammock...

chocolatedrop 0


ibanez370 0

FTW = For The Win , for those who still dont know :)

Averizzle 0

Other countries hate us for no reason.. it's not like we invade other countries for no reason or anything..

america's hated because alot of americans are arrogant and claim hating other countries, alot of americans thinks they're superior to everyone, if yar a hater be ready to be hated!

Hey in Canadian that's a whole $25.03.

Depending on how much he regularly throws away on lottery tickets, his winnings could amount to less than nothing, actually.

Kawaiichan42 3

Right, TIJD. I've sold $360 worth of lottery tickets to one person at the same time. I think it'd be better to put the money you think about spending on a lottery ticket into a savings account, that way, you'll at least have the money when you need it :)

MjsBabyAngel 0

10-who cares? you dont need to go "fail!!" after she said she doesnt know.

At least he won something, fyl for your bed though