By SwingingChili - 27/10/2015 05:49

Today, to prove a point to my brother that playing the lotto isn't a sure thing. I got a $10 scratcher. Thinking I'd get nothing or maybe just another scratcher, I ended up winning a free scratcher plus $100. The second scratcher I got an additional $50. Now he's even more confident to win every time. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 652
You deserved it 4 650

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justcommenting19 19

Dude, at that rate just keep going. Develop a gambling addiction, ruin your life, and you will most definitely prove your point. 10/10 brother will not gamble.

mermaidkeels 26

For $150 I will gladly be wrong too.


Lucky coincidence or fate ? He may win the jackpot.

I don't know what to press here. You won $150. Your life doesn't suck.

mds9986 24

Well in that respect it doesn't suck, but the fact OP's brother is on the boarder of gambling addiction, it's a YLS.

justcommenting19 19

Dude, at that rate just keep going. Develop a gambling addiction, ruin your life, and you will most definitely prove your point. 10/10 brother will not gamble.

mermaidkeels 26

For $150 I will gladly be wrong too.

Sorry you won money, OP. If it's too troublesome, I'd be willing to take it off your hands… for a fee.

Damn OP, you've got a lot of luck! I'd like to have you pick out lottery numbers for me