By Ecce - 10/07/2010 12:03 - United Kingdom

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend jumping on my bed exclaiming that he had "won the lottery." He broke the bed. Turns out he only won £15.80. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 554
You deserved it 3 205

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ArtIsResistance7 1

Well, if I've learned anything from MacGyver, £15, a blanket, and some duct tape, will make a pretty sweet hammock...

chocolatedrop 0


dabowlingman 14

you deserved it for using £ instead of $.. USA ftw

allen20 0

ftw = **** the world >.> yeeeeessss...he/she will believe that

ibanez370 0
duranharold 0

You shouldn't be sleeping with boys before you're married. YDI.

#53 That is so entirely irrelevant. OP said nothing about having sex with him-- and besides, not everyone shares your views.

Ugh, AGAIN with this?! Protip: If you're going to play the self-righteous troll role, the better approach here would be "YDI for gambling."

ashleytiffany 0