A Dog's Love = Priceless

By Sudokori - 29/08/2017 20:00

Today, I bought a lottery ticket. Two hours ago, I found out that the ticket was worth $100. Five minutes ago, I found my dog eating it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 381
You deserved it 658

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just go to the place you bought it and tell them the story. I’m sure they’ll believe you and give you the $100.

gobiteme2 34

I wonder if it tasted like chicken for the dog.


Just go to the place you bought it and tell them the story. I’m sure they’ll believe you and give you the $100.

that only works if the barcode is intact.

I'm not sure how the US lottery works, but in the UK the retailer needs the ticket to claim back the winnings from Camelot (our national lottery company). I assume this would be similar in the US.

HalfLit 17

That is the nature of gambling :)

Ha! I really don't know what else to say.

gobiteme2 34

I wonder if it tasted like chicken for the dog.

EnvyMe33 26

You should have put it in a place your dog couldn't reach.

Quick get a vet to x ray your dog before the ticket fully dissolves so you have proof!

Lobby_Bee 17

Go eat something of his that he really like and make sure he watches. That'll teach him not to eat your stuff.

Not trynna be a dick but if you knew it had value isn't it kinda your fault for letting it be accessible to your dogs mouth? I mean I feel bad OP but be smart

It's not being a dick at all telling OP "YDI." It's the nature of the site. Let him have it!

YDI If it was worth $100, then you should have put it in your wallet or pocket. As a dog owner you should have known that something bad could happen if you simply put it on a table or counter or in plain sight of the dog!