By -_- - 30/08/2013 20:31 - United States - Lahaina

Today, I woke up to a warm bed, the morning sunlight bathing my face, and my boyfriend sneaking my credit card out of my purse. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 056
You deserved it 4 069

Same thing different taste

Top comments

astralvagan 20

Wow what a douche! Hopefully you dumped his ass

MEM0817 18

I thought the same thing... But then when I saw the word "boyfriend" the thought of him peeing the bed passed through my head momentarily too.


Hopefully his excuse wasn't that he was going to buy something nice for you, although I'm curious to know how he reacted.

Warm beds aren't that good compared to chilled or cooled beds... That's the really issue. And oh sorry about the credit card... I guess that's kinda bad

soldiat_fml 17

Uhh... deal breaker for a boyfriend? Thats messed up.

HalseyZ 7

As in the words of a famous song "Everyday is so wonderful, till suddenly, your boyfriend steals your money and movies to Mexico."

Poetaster 10

Your boyfriend is black.. Right?

spekledworf 18

I'm pretty sure you meant "my now Ex-boyfriend" or I would hope at least. Trust is a major component to any healthy relationship, like glue if you will, & if I can't sleep without worrying about you stealing money/my CC then there's no way I could be with them. That's just my opinion know what they say though opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one.

He could have been going to get breakfast, on you.