By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, I woke up happier than I've ever been because last night I hooked up with the girl I have loved for almost a year and I thought I would never get with her. This morning I saw that her status on Facebook was "FML". FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 503
You deserved it 7 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you...maybe FHL because she had a hangover or something. Don't lose hope! haha

it doesn't necessarily have to be about you... maybe she ate a bug or something...


lexxi_fml 0

haha 30 I was thinking the same thing (: OP sounds like a pussy, though.

shut up dude. at least you got some. people are never satisfied are they.......

xThatRandomGirlx 0

God damnit, another one of these posts. If that's what she thinks of you, and you're not officially in a relationship, YOU ARE NOT IN LOVE WITH HER!!!!!! I hate to be harsh, but you need to face the facts. Sorry, just had to get that out

wowloser1717 0

#9 lol so random but true

Way to assume that it's about you.

Maybe she stubbed her toe or lost her phone if this was some drunk hookup. BUT if she was not drunk and fully aware of what was happening then that's on her. It's not your fault she's not into you.

Yulia_fml 0

Best case scenario - she feels terrible because she thinks that she blew her chance at a relationship with you by sleeping with you too quickly.

justxdream 0

#14-thanks so much for your life story. i needed that....

#14 maybe just give her some space. I know from experience that its really annoying when a guy likes you, and even after you tell him you're not interested he still doesn't leave you alone. A little tip: when you like a girl, don't be overly-friendly, its just as annoying as guys that are assholes.