By jonboy - 09/05/2009 20:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I got a new comfy duvet and pillow and was looking forward to a good night's sleep. I got into bed and was followed by my dog, who then threw up the tub of butter he had just stolen from the kitchen onto my brand new bed spread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 785
You deserved it 5 273

Same thing different taste

Top comments

morgan_5230 0

that is absolutely disgusting! at least you found the butter.

Oh gross >_< Your dog didn't mean it ._.


morgan_5230 0

that is absolutely disgusting! at least you found the butter.

That sucks like crazy, but it's hardly a reason to FYL, just wash it and look forward to TOMMOROWS good night of sleep :p And hey! Atleast u got the butter back :)

Yeah, now OP has something to butter his bread with :3

keylimepieee 0

wash it. it'll probably make it comfier anyhow.

ButterFly_16 0

Gross!!! Does it smell like butter?

That's what you get for having a stupid dog....but FYL anyway. Happy dry cleaning!

That sucks, but Y(kinda)DI for letting your dog on your bed, ew.

I'm with #9. You can always expect the unexpected every once in a while with a pet that roams around the home including your bed.