By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, I woke up happier than I've ever been because last night I hooked up with the girl I have loved for almost a year and I thought I would never get with her. This morning I saw that her status on Facebook was "FML". FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 503
You deserved it 7 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you...maybe FHL because she had a hangover or something. Don't lose hope! haha

it doesn't necessarily have to be about you... maybe she ate a bug or something...


idontgiveone 0

lmao too bad, i dont think she'll be pleased if she see this.

awww :( sorry love . you can find someone better than her ! (:

lolwhat_fml 0

number 1, wtf ? And maybe she wrote FML about something else ?

COURAGE WOLF SAYS: Ask her to stay with you! Only the right one will say YES!

xiloveyoux3 0

wait, wouldn't that mean she'll eventually see this if she knows about FML? O.o

AL3X_M 0

That sucks dude =[ Hope you can work something out.

im sry to say this but: hahahahahaha..... anyway, if thats the way she thinks, u got to let her go man,

#14- thats NOTHING like the OP's a completely different story =] don't steal the limelight