By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 20:18 - United States

Today, I woke up happier than I've ever been because last night I hooked up with the girl I have loved for almost a year and I thought I would never get with her. This morning I saw that her status on Facebook was "FML". FML
I agree, your life sucks 82 503
You deserved it 7 249

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with you...maybe FHL because she had a hangover or something. Don't lose hope! haha

it doesn't necessarily have to be about you... maybe she ate a bug or something...


Loe_307 0

Man, at least you got to hook up with her. Take the good out of it.

kellster 2

I'm absolutely with #56. Also, maybe it wasn't good for her?

Hirro 0

Well, mission accomplished.

Yea... I don't see how you "love" her if you haven't tried to make things meaningful, by at the very least telling her that you're interested in being in a relationship with her. She might just be regretting the fact that she slept with someone that she's not emotionally involved with. :/

Is #71 for real? LOL! If so, good for you, OP. @ #59: It's not just sex if you also confess your feelings. So yes, you can make your feelings known with a hookup. Not that difficult.

maybe she doesnt do hook ups and is upset at herself for giving it up so easily

To clarify what I mean by "making his feelings known by hooking up": I don't mean the act of hooking up or having sex, or whatever we want to call it, in and of itself is a confession of his feelings. I mean that it's very possible he revealed his feelings to some degree during the hookup. But then again, as Kelly Clarkson would say, "O-oh, no-o...I do not hook uh-up, uh-up!" So what do I know?

The perverse part of me is hoping that #71 is fake and yet guessed the right name and is close enough to the truth to convince the OP... But the girly part of me hopes it's real.