By Phobic_fml - 28/06/2019 22:22

Today, I saw the engagement announcement for the girl I've been in love with for 10 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 515
You deserved it 875

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why didn’t you do something about your feelings sooner?

I had a crush once. I told her, and we’ve been together 5 years. Work on it. Don’t just sit and wait.


And why didn’t you do something about your feelings sooner?

I had a crush once. I told her, and we’ve been together 5 years. Work on it. Don’t just sit and wait.

Imagine the other end of this scale. You could have done a full Romeo and Juliet. That was like 3-4 days, or something. Which is insane.

Mungolikecandy 19

If you did not react tell her and try to woo her then you have nothing to complain about.

Unless if she’s been with this person for 10 years and you didn’t make a move out of respect, learn from this. Being turned down sucks, but you aren’t left wondering.

ftpallday666 16

It wasn’t meant to be honey, you will find someone who is perfect for you one day. Likelihood is, she’s not the girl you think she is.