By jibberish - 22/11/2009 00:15 - United States

Today, I woke up after drunkenly hooking up with a girl who was really into Twilight. I felt bruises on the lower end of my neck and so I went to the mirror and checked it out. She bit me, 5 times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 691
You deserved it 38 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for hooking up with a Twilight fan. Stupid ******* misogynistic shit like that should NEVER be passed off as actual literature. The whole series can pretty much summed up with, "EDWARD CULLEN WAS SO HAWT I CAME GLITTER" I wish I could be a deranged mormon housewife so I could make millions off a book series - based off creepy sexual fantasies for a sparkling douchenozzle - that glorifies/romanticizes shallow relationships based on lust, stalking, and werewolves falling in love with baby children.

you deserve it for not being turned off by a girl into "Twatlight"


Twlight is irrelevant (even thoo it does kinda suck), but how is this a fml? Biting is HOT. I geuss so hard it leaves bruises is a little much, but still. I'm not into vamps and I still loving biting.

Dude, THAT'S why you stay away from the Twilight fangirls! They think that they're vampires and that Twilight is actually real. Plus their sense of what's hot and what's not gets totally ****** up.

Why are you complaining?!?!?! I would kill to have that right now!! DX

Dude...I like vampires and all but I ain't THAT crazy!!!

EspyPsyche 11

I agree. Your life *puts on sunglasses* sucks. Yeaaahh!

TBH biting is kinky as hell, doesn't matter if she was a twilight fan or not