By VacationTSA - 19/02/2009 16:29 - United States

Today, I woke up in a girls bed, that I have had a crush on for two years. She was sleeping on the floor with someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 845
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Edmund_Dantes 0

Dude, that's actually pretty creepy on your part. Clearly you were not with her, nor invited by her when you got in her bed, and it was actually considerate of her not to wake you up and kick you the hell out. Also, either she has been dating this other guy and didn't want to get in bed with another guy, likes him enough to sleep on the floor with him rather than on the bed with you, or just doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with you. None of those scenarios is particularly good for your prospects, but as long as it's not the third one, you may still have a shot. Just don't listen to 10 up there, he's just a bitter misogynist who's fooled himself into thinking he's a "nice guy" because he's never actually beaten a woman. Granted, some girls are attracted to assholes, but it's a small minority, and not the ones worth wasting your time with. So if you don't want to be friends with this girl, either let her go, or talk to her like a damn man, without trying to sneak into her bed when she's (presumably; if y'all weren't, it's even creepier) drunk. If she shoots you down, at least you tried, move on.


maybe you had a threesome and you asserted your authoritay and took the bed for yourself. who would want to sleep in the same bed with another guy anyway? gross!

Dr_Phil 0

She thinks you're "just friends". If you've had a crush on this chic for two years and nothing's happened, nothing is probably ever going to happen. Drop her and find another chic ASAP - you'll forget about her.

Edmund_Dantes 0

Dude, that's actually pretty creepy on your part. Clearly you were not with her, nor invited by her when you got in her bed, and it was actually considerate of her not to wake you up and kick you the hell out. Also, either she has been dating this other guy and didn't want to get in bed with another guy, likes him enough to sleep on the floor with him rather than on the bed with you, or just doesn't feel comfortable sleeping in the same bed with you. None of those scenarios is particularly good for your prospects, but as long as it's not the third one, you may still have a shot. Just don't listen to 10 up there, he's just a bitter misogynist who's fooled himself into thinking he's a "nice guy" because he's never actually beaten a woman. Granted, some girls are attracted to assholes, but it's a small minority, and not the ones worth wasting your time with. So if you don't want to be friends with this girl, either let her go, or talk to her like a damn man, without trying to sneak into her bed when she's (presumably; if y'all weren't, it's even creepier) drunk. If she shoots you down, at least you tried, move on.

Edmund_Dantes 0

Actually, I guess 10 could just be in high school, in which case he should just hold off forming a permanent opinion of women until college.

A guy trying to weasel his way into your bed is the worst! A guy tried to worm his way into my bed once by pretending to have forgotten about the time and almost missing the last train back to his place. He also mentioned that "it would be cheaper for him to stay where he was, rather than going back to his place". Not only did I throw him out, but when he called me to say he'd missed his train, I never responded. Not to mention that if you've had a crush on this woman for two years: she probably already knows, because you can always tell when people you don't like, fancy you. If she hasn't made a move yet, it's a strong indication that she's not interested, and you're probably just making her uncomfortable. The fact that you woke up and saw her with another man, might have been her trying to send you a clearer message, especially since she requested you stay there to witness the whole thing!

Dude, I'm a total "asshole" to girls and it works... it's all about confidence and your attitude. You can be a nice guy later in life when you find a nice girl, otherwise, be a dick and play the field. Oh, and it helps if you're really attractive too (like me). And to the OP: Boo hoo. Tell your crush you like her or stop whining when she's with other guys. She's obviously not that into you though, or she would have been laying in the bed with you. Move on to someone else, there are plenty out there.

Haha dats the biggest pile of ball shit I've herd!!! And attractive my arse! You look like a constipated chicken who obviously loves himself. Do your self a favour and look in the mirror! Davidtheday more like davidthegay! Haha fagget!!!

Sorry but you're not really attractive hahah

alwaysalady 0

You probably stole all the covers.

@20 Maybe he actually needed a place to stay. You're paranoid.

#26 Maybe he could have just gone home (since it's only 20 minutes away), or maybe I just have a thing against people who invite themselves to your place without considering you might have a say about it.