
By Anonymous - 07/02/2022 11:59

Today, I caught my 12 year-old seconds away from dripping bleach in his eye. Apparently “someone online” told him it scars the pupil red permanently, like a devil's eye, and he believed them. I’m shutting off the internet permanently, I can't handle his level of stupidity anymore. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 175
You deserved it 177

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

You need to find the source of that information and report it to the authorities. It’s dangerous and ******* sadistic and luckily you caught your son in time, but someone else could get seriously hurt. WTF, humanity?!


Marcella1016 31

You need to find the source of that information and report it to the authorities. It’s dangerous and ******* sadistic and luckily you caught your son in time, but someone else could get seriously hurt. WTF, humanity?!