By Lisa - 03/10/2018 23:00 - Romania

Today, someone stole my fence and my bulldog got out. I had to go look for her yelling her name in the street. When I found her and brought her back home, she peed in the house as revenge for me not letting her play with the terrified old couple. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 831
You deserved it 264

Top comments

They stole your fence? Like the entire thing?!

I think the big question is what is your fence made from?


I think the big question is what is your fence made from?

They stole your fence? Like the entire thing?!

pugs 12

What’s next an entire beach?

RoadRunnerZ 13
hcditfi5foygy 17

I could've sworn I've seen this exact FML here before.

I think "someone stole my fence" is enough of am FML by itself.

Did the person who stole your fence take it to a fence afterwards much to your offence?

While the rest of you are stuck on the fence, I'm dying to know what the hell is going on with the old couple. Did your dog scare them in the street or are they in your house? Are you sure it's even your house? They do look different without their fences, you know.

Can we please get back to the part where someone stole your fence? I am glad your dog is home safe, but you really need to explain how someone manages to steal your whole fence.

that sucks, but I'm pretty sure the dog has no sense of Revenge

Lisa 14

For those of you asking, my fence is a regular fence, but it's not nailed immovably to posts, it just stands there. I think it pisses my neighbours off that it's there, cause half of it keeps getting stolen. It has happened twice now.