By CoCo - 22/11/2008 04:03 - France

Today, my girlfriend came home with new condoms: Manix Endurance containing a numbing gel designed to help me "last longer". FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 170
You deserved it 11 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Melly_fml 0

actually for evolutionary purposes men are suppose to wait until the female orgasms, her ****** helps the sperm move towards the egg through the contractions

MCart_fml 0

Aren't there any other guys here who treat the first ****** as foreplay? Sex should be a marathon not a 100 meter sprint.


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this is possible a good thing for you

Amazing trailer, loved at 1:11. Watch the movie free at Watcherus, it's amazing.

Wow, a first comment that wasn't stupid and pointless. As for the OP, just use them. Not your fault.

missbadluk 0

This comment is stupid because theres A LOT of things us humans were "designed for" that are not played out these days. I mean the list would be LONG. Females "typically" don't climax as quick so we want a guy to hold off for a tad longer so we can ENJOY it just as much. Way to be selfish.

I then assume you only have sex for reproduction ? OP: she cared enough to try to find a solution instead of a replacement -- that's generally considered a good thing.

woow, I last too long. she gets tiered before she finishes me. which I guess is good and bad in a way

dacooliest 16

Well when we ******, it doesn't get you pregnant. Plus, we just get even more wet, most guys become soft after. There are just a lot of reasons why reversing the situation doesn't make sense.

Melly_fml 0

actually for evolutionary purposes men are suppose to wait until the female orgasms, her ****** helps the sperm move towards the egg through the contractions

kelli09 0

Maybe she just wanted to get as much time with you as possible?

MCart_fml 0

Aren't there any other guys here who treat the first ****** as foreplay? Sex should be a marathon not a 100 meter sprint.

mizled 0

Enjoy a night of extended sex. POOR YOU.

Not like he can feel anything with that numbing agent. Think please.

dantheman_fml 0

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kenltd 0

Make sure the first time you use one give her anal...

a hard anal pounding...with desensitizing condoms...with your significant other...doesn't sound like punishment to me...although very easily could be made into one... ;)

Turn The Condom Inside Out, Then She Doesn't Make A Sound When You're Attempting To Pleasure Her. Keeps The Family Asleep. Or Do It When She's Sleeping, Then She Doesn't Wake Up. SORTED!

thebigO_fml 0

i would have kept this one to myself...hahahahahaha!