By Van - 20/12/2009 06:32 - United States

Today, I was at work at Hollywood Video. A guy came in and left without renting anything. Minutes later, I find human feces between the "Kids" and "Comedy" aisles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 533
You deserved it 2 297

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

How appropriate. Most of the comedies for kids these days are shit. I guess he could have also chosen to poop in "New Releases."

The irony being that it was neither child-friendly nor funny.


someone on wrote, today i really needed to use the bathroom i entered a video store and the dumbass clerk didn't even acknowledge me when i asked him if i could use a restroom so when i saw Joaquin Phoenix's balloon knot for a mouth in the comedy section i decided to fire a missle there and give the clerk something to do since he has so much time to stand around and do nothing. IMMD.

Julia626 0

that really sucks but could you please learn how to write because it made no sense

cackle 0

Today, while working at Hollywood Video, a guy came in and left without renting anything. Minutes later, I found human feces between the "Kids" and "Comedy" aisle. FML fixed are you happy

Um I had no problem reading this, and apparently neither did any of the other 20,000 people. So maybe you should learn how to read better, because your comment made no sense.

RedJester23 6

this belongs on

JustAReaderOfFml 4

i dun get it what happened? can someone pls explain it to me, kthanksbai xx

Julia626 0

a customer in the video store pooped on the floor

Because nobody realizes when a man pulls down his pants to take a smelly crap.

brianfantana32 10
perdix 29

How appropriate. Most of the comedies for kids these days are shit. I guess he could have also chosen to poop in "New Releases."

The irony being that it was neither child-friendly nor funny.