By twinkletoes - 17/09/2012 06:32 - United States

Today, I went to get my nails done for the first time in a while. I don't like to go that much because two of my toes are connected, and I'm very self-conscious about it. The man painting my toes started laughing when he saw them and called all the other employees over to look. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 105
You deserved it 2 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments


VooDooCarrie91 19

I have a pinky toe that rides on the toe next to it but I don't let it stop me from pampering myself. Just think, OP. Some people have some nasty feet that they go to get cleaned. I'm sure they've seen worse!

notepie 6

I would have punched him in the face and walked out without paying them

wifeyHo2011 1

Let me guess he was Asian ? Let me say that it was immature of him but it's rare for some of them to laugh or whatever . One thing is that some Asian thinks everyone is born without any problems like u have . Just tell them before hand

Yeah my whole family has webbed toes, too! This happened to my sister.

That is not very professional, OP. I agree with previous comments. File a complaint of some kind.

You don't have to feel self concise about it. My grandpa cut off 2 of his toes with a lawn mower so he only has 3 on one foot

skyeyez9 24

On the positive, OP learned a fairly significant percentage of the fml community has or knows someone with webbed toes. You aren't alone. I used to be self conscious about my nose (I broke it roughhousing with my friend and my parents never took me to the doctor to get it set so it healed crooked) I had plastic surgery once I was old enough and saved enough money to have it fixed. If your toes bother you, you can look into getting it fixed.

redhair_love 2

Guess you can't wear toed socks, OP.

Quiet_one 22

I really hope you didn't leave a tip and that you make some kind of formal complaint to the owner/manager of the business. Someone that unprofessional should not have a job that involves coming in contact with other people.