By Manu - 14/02/2017 09:00 - United States - Columbia

Today, I went to get my first manicure. While waiting, I looked at the menu board. When I wondered aloud: "I know what a French manicure is, but what on Earth is a Polish change?" The whole place started laughing and I guess I'm not going back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 776
You deserved it 1 614

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you won't be Russian back there until you Czech your pronunciation.

jcash52426 5

Polish change is put REALLY HOT wax on your balls and remove all the hairs. It when they change the color of your nails.


jcash52426 5

Polish change is put REALLY HOT wax on your balls and remove all the hairs. It when they change the color of your nails.

Well, to be fair, I probably would have done that too.

Same; my mind went to the polish sausages at Costco.

I don't see a reason for you to never return. It happens often. Don't worry OP.

I don't see a reason for you to never return. It happens often. Don't worry OP.

cheshireau 26

Don't be so hard on yourself. You didn't know, it's ok.

cheshireau 26

How do I have up votes? I didn't read it properly. I thought it mean Polish change as in the nail enamel. Not that she said Polish change as in the country. I need down votes for stupidity, please.

I guess you won't be Russian back there until you Czech your pronunciation.

Have your up vote and keep the puns coming.

It's your learning curve. No worries. I'm still living with pronouncing Canada - "Ca- Nada". oops

don't worry OP...i didn't catch it either..until i was waiting for the comment area to load. then it hit me Polish( as in nail polish) change.

After reading your comment I realized it was nail polish and not Poland polish. I'm so smart wow.

Context. You're in a nail salon so it really should have occured to you that it's "polish change" as in nail polish, not "Polish" as in Poland. Nonetheless it's not a big deal that warrants never coming back.

Another piece of context is that some other services are named for countries, ie. 'French' manicure. So it's really not so difficult to see why OP's mind went that way.