By Anonymous - 30/04/2009 04:52 - United States

Today, my girlfriend bought this hot pink Chanel nail polish. Bored, she thought it would be funny to paint my nails. I finally gave in and let her paint my toe nails. After she left, my buddy calls to to see if I can give him a ride. I forgot I had a swim meet today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 026
You deserved it 54 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mcbeth 0

psh, you didn't forget, you know you wanted to look pretty for your swim team


mcbeth 0

psh, you didn't forget, you know you wanted to look pretty for your swim team

yeah, he wanted to wow them with his beautiful nails

Haha, you could always wash your feet with terpentine.

nail polish remover. it's easy to use and doesn't cost much. =/

wouldn't take long to get the nail polish off with remover :P

What makes you think he has any at his place.

#164 It's very inexpensive, and at the nearest dollar store.

Your mom doesn't have nail polish remover or something to get that off?

southpointchrysl 0

I'm pretty sure he said girlfriend

How do you know he doesn't live on his own?

wow, at least if you're going to give in to that make her do it with a color other than "hot pink chanel" YDI

you see there's this thing called nail polish works WONDERS

you can remove it. and besides, what's the big deal? if they say anything, you can explain. I hate how so many guys feel the constant need to never be seen as feminine

I know right? Just tell everyone your girlfriend did it for a laugh. Seriously, not an FML.

Lennes 12
Bigdawg42 8

yeah lol, and besides if he tells them his girlfriend did it, he'll just be cooler

#8, because that would mean you're less of a man, duhh!