By porkfriedlife - 28/07/2009 20:38 - United States

Today, I went to a theater and saw "Bruno" with my mom. We saw "Borat" together, so I thought, 'Hey, how bad could it be?' I don't know what was more nauseating: Bruno's penis spinning around and talking or the fact that my mom thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 25 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I saw that with my friend and his parents. It was... interesting.

I saw Bruno with my mom and we both thought it was funny. I don't see the fyl...


kirbylikescake 0

Dude, that movie was funny as shit & your mom has good taste.

it's not awkward to watch bruno with your mum! at least she laughed instead of acting all conservative! it was hilarious! i saw it with my older sis, we both laughed our asses off! when he gave the ghost head, it was funny as hell!

xLovey 3

I watched Superbad with my mom, that was pretty awkward, but not nearly as bad as Bruno, I can imagine.

ReconExpert 0

This is nothing...I went to go see the watchmen with my dad, and we both had no idea it was going to be like a porno. Its one thing when a guys dick is on the screen constantly...but during one sex scene where they show a girls ****...he almost yells in a joking way at me "don't look!"...I swear at least 5 people stared at him and me...and a couple stopped kissing even and looked at us. Later I explained to him if your going to joke it quiet. He ruined a perfectly good porno for me.....

haha wow, i spent the last 15min trying to scroll down to the bottom to comment ON MY OWN FML, but my slow-ass computer froze every time. FML again. yeah, i really enjoyed the movie, and i'm super grateful for my mom's sense of humor. but even so, watching your mom laugh at a man having ridiculously shocking gay sex with midget for the first (and hopefully last) time is a little weird haha. sacha baren cohen ftw. btw, i liked borat more, but bruno was friggen hilarious.

behemothx666 0

I'm sorry you wasted your time on that stupid movie. I thought it was completely pointless & not funny at all.

Amphysvena 11

your mom sounds like a lot more fun than you.

I would never watch Bruno with my mum, mainly cos I'm 15:L I've seen it on the internet and it's brilliant:) Army General:"Your finger's in my alley!" Bruno:"Not yet."