By porkfriedlife - 28/07/2009 20:38 - United States

Today, I went to a theater and saw "Bruno" with my mom. We saw "Borat" together, so I thought, 'Hey, how bad could it be?' I don't know what was more nauseating: Bruno's penis spinning around and talking or the fact that my mom thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 25 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I saw that with my friend and his parents. It was... interesting.

I saw Bruno with my mom and we both thought it was funny. I don't see the fyl...


martialartist7 0

funniest movie ever!! how is this a FML you're retarded

OMG ahah i went to see this movie with my older sister and we stayed and watched the whole thing, but we told our parents we left. Right before the movie started, This mother walked in with 5 children all about 8 or 9 yrs. old. i was thinking WTF?!?, and then this flamboyant guy in the 4th or 5th row went over to her and was like," do yo know that this movie is very inapropriate for children of their age?" the mother answered, "yeahh sure its fine they saw borat with me." If you think about it, those children would have saw borat when they were 5 or 6!! MY favorite part of bruno is when he has this "audition" for the kids to be in his photo shoot, and the one mother was saying that she would give her kid liposucton to loose 10 pounds

Hahaha, are you kidding me? I'd be happy to have a mom who still has a sense of humour and can still enjoy stuff. Mine won't go to theatres and falls asleeps when you rent haha. Bruno.....this movie has no words to explain. I think at the end of ever seen, I shook my head in disgust....after amounts of laughter. Haha One day...Sascha Baron Cohen is going to piss some one really really really off haha

aytay3 0

Ya im totally on the same page with u. I saw Borat with my mom and dad and it was horrible. Theb i saw Bruno with my mom and my aunt. That was so much worse. It was so awkward. The worst part im only 14...

That spinning penis made the freakin' movie and it going "Its Brunooo!". Luckily when my friend and I went to see it, no one was in the theatre (thank god) so I fell on the side of the floor laughing my ass off and screaming: "Wtf. Was that... WHAT THE **** WAS THAT!?"

Oh! Can't forget his little asian lover.

You took your Mother to see a funny movie, and she laughed? OH, THE HORROR.