By porkfriedlife - 28/07/2009 20:38 - United States

Today, I went to a theater and saw "Bruno" with my mom. We saw "Borat" together, so I thought, 'Hey, how bad could it be?' I don't know what was more nauseating: Bruno's penis spinning around and talking or the fact that my mom thought it was hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 859
You deserved it 25 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

yep, I saw that with my friend and his parents. It was... interesting.

I saw Bruno with my mom and we both thought it was funny. I don't see the fyl...


mmm.. and your life is fcked because your mom has a sense of humor? c'mon! grow up!

I had to see it with my mom because I'm 16 and couldn't get in without her. Sure, I could have sneaked in, but my theater is really strict about that kind of stuff. And my mom kept looking at me periodically and kept telling me I shouldn't think this stuff is funny.

I saw Harold and kumar one and two with my mom and she found them funny. I'm sure you'll move on.

oh get over it, this is far from an fml

coheedandcambria 0

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

katherinebby17 28

haha I went with my mom and she was laughing at the same part

diamonds_fml 0

it was funny as ****! whats not funny about a talking penis??? my mom loved it too.

i aagree with #141.... this isnt even an FML or a YDI...this is just HILLARIOUS!!!!!