By thatsucks4u - 14/08/2010 00:56 - United States

Today, I went to a tanning salon. I guess nobody mentioned that you have to lift your fat rolls or you'll end up with weird stripes where the spray never reached. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 089
You deserved it 51 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

obviously the spray has to come in contact with every inch of your skin or it won't "tan" that area....

People like you are the reason we have warning labels on coffee cups.


foxy1222 0

you ugly bitch number 12 your not so thin either I'm not saying I'm fat because I'm not but your a bitch for jugding someone on weight!

pingpongpenguin 3

getting a tan doesn't make you orange. yeah you just ruined it, zebras are better than tigers

foxy1222 0

all of you are total dicks for hating over weight people their humans too retards still want to live normal lives her life has to do with tanning theirs no freaking need for it live with whatever color you are damn it stop trying to change reality

OP if you are really THAT overweight that you need to lift rolls to get a spray tan my thoughts are you shouldn't be wearing anything that would reveal those rolls to the public. If you care about your body image start treating your body with some respect then worry about fake tanning. YDI

here fattty fattty fattty, I got burgers and cheese for you! fyl

84- actually fat was sexy from the 17-19 century, it meant you had money and lived well so it was attractive to be overweight

YDI for going to a tanning salon. When you get cancer, your fat rolls will be the least of your problems.

if you are that fat then why are you spending money on a tanning salon when you should be working out instead! YDI!