By thatsucks4u - 14/08/2010 00:56 - United States

Today, I went to a tanning salon. I guess nobody mentioned that you have to lift your fat rolls or you'll end up with weird stripes where the spray never reached. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 089
You deserved it 51 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schwancy 2

obviously the spray has to come in contact with every inch of your skin or it won't "tan" that area....

People like you are the reason we have warning labels on coffee cups.


That's a sign to lose some weight, Fatty

Kforest 0

fat people shouldn't tan. period.

InvisableAtHeart 10

If ur that fat u shouldn't be tanning!

Ninjasaurus18 9

Maybe go on a diet, exercise and get lots of sleep. Then, when you're a bit thinner, go swimming outside to not only lose weight, but also get that tan. Naturally:D

Everyone saying fat people shouldn't tan need to shut up. How about this - NO ONE should tan. Seriously, those tanning beds/booths cause skin cancer, and why is it considered so attractive to have orange skin? I'm very pale and can't tan; I just burn and peel, and I embrace it. In some cultures, it's considered beautiful to have porcelain-colored skin. The fact that OP is heavy doesn't matter. No one should be tanning regardless; it's overrated, can cause skin cancer, and if you use the sprays, there's ALWAYS a risk of getting streaks, regardless of your weight.

Your stomach will be covered anyway unless you're going to be in a swim suit. Then you'll be ******.