The birds and the bees

By Anonymous - 23/08/2023 09:00 - United Kingdom - Nottingham

Today, I caught my young son watching porn so, not wanting to give him a warped view of sex and love, I was giving him the proper sex talk when my religious mother walked in, realised what we were talking about, and started screaming about sin and hell and diseases, and he ran off crying. FML
I agree, your life sucks 654
You deserved it 102

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And why didn't you tell her to STFU 😡 that's your child not hers.

Razz12901 11

tell her if she ever does something like that around your son again it's the last time she'll see him.


And why didn't you tell her to STFU 😡 that's your child not hers.

Razz12901 11

tell her if she ever does something like that around your son again it's the last time she'll see him.

anonnymouse1812 7

if this is how she behaves around him she should not be around him. set some boundaries and stick to it including taking away keys if she has free access to your home

Now he has another warped view of sex and love. He's probably on his way to becoming an incel.