By Puick - 26/12/2013 23:50 - France - Sonchamp

Today, I went to a party organised by my ex. I was the last to sit down, after looking at the nametags on all 50+ chairs. That's how I realised the chair labelled "Fuckface" was mine; the one located between her parents' seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 620
You deserved it 9 794

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP. Maybe next time your ex invites you. You should just politely decline and cut off all communication with them. Especially if they're going to be very immature and disrespect you like that.

Why would you go to a party organized by your ex? It's fairly clear it didn't end well.


You have a long road ahead of you op.

A long road home you mean? I wouldn't stay and put up with that. That's rude and very immature... Then again OP could have done something horrible to the ex..

Either way, this is when you get the hell out of there.

Or stay and live up to that fuckface name. Time to reveal a few of her secrets while sitting next to her parents.

Or not... No need to stoop to her level over it! Just be a grown up about it and either walk away or brush it off and have a good time!

"Attention everyone! My name fuckface and I face ****** that girl! That is all."

StiffPvtParts 43

If I was OP, I would have just asked to swap seats with his ex's father. He probably would rather sit next to his wife anyway, and it's the polite thing to do :3

You could make her look bad but the thing that makes people die in the inside is when you don't react, just keep calm and carry on

I'm sorry OP. Maybe next time your ex invites you. You should just politely decline and cut off all communication with them. Especially if they're going to be very immature and disrespect you like that.

You learn that the hard way, usually you try to be nice, after a few bad break ups you understand that of being friends never works

I don't see why it would ever be a good idea to go to an event hosted by your ex, that's just asking for trouble lol

Not necessarily true, 63. One of my best friends is an ex of mine. We have stayed friends over the past 12 years now. I adore his wife and was invited to their wedding. It can happen. Granted, if my place card at the table said Fuckface or something similar, I might have a few choice words to say to them...

skyttlz 32

I'm friends with 3 out of 4 of my exes.

Politely decline? what? you dont politely decline at something like that! In fact, what the hell is WRONG WITH YOU OP? you sat on that chair? are you so f%#$% s%#$^? you should have acted like every normal person would have in your position. Tell her and her parents(yeah them too for allowing their daughter to put such a nametag on "your" chair) to go and f%#$ themselfes, and then get the hell out of there!

#96, Then he would have proven to deserve the name tag. What I meant by politely decline is...anytime an ex offers for you to come over. (unless you are without a doubt on good terms with them) you decline. Plus OP dated her. He must've known previously how immature and bratty she is.

#73, when you can remain friends with an ex there are two options, 1- you are still in love with them, 2- you have moved on, you can be friends after sometime, in OP case is claerly she hasn't really moved on, otherwise she wouldn't care

She's your ex, don't give her what she wants. Just brush it off and FDB

FDB.... Feed Doc Bastard? How on earth would that help???

Fry dead birds? Finger deep bitches...? Seriously. Help me here. I'm totally stumped!

Pfft why wouldn't it help? Food is damn good, and im sure doc would love some bacon. Bacon is amazing

arandomusernameaa 20

**** Dat Bitch? although I don't think she wants it... **** face

Change his tag to recently become single.

one, his ex is a she. and Two, it is his EX, so she was already single.

i dont know if she would have a name tag because she organized the party

Amanyyyyyy 29

She might have gotten another boyfriend after...

Why would you go to a party organized by your ex? It's fairly clear it didn't end well.

Exactly, why would the OP go? My ex wife actually sent me an invitation to her wedding, and I sure as heck did not go.

Maybe, or maybe it was amicable and they wanted to stay friends, then she went bat crap crazy.

Or maybe the ex organised a mutual friends party

Maybe is the first break up, or OP thought it wasn't such a bad break up

ShannonBitt 29

I'm on good terms with all my ex's, so I'd go to a party organized by one of them. But I can't see why OP would go if they didn't get along to the point that she would call him "Fuckface"

ShannonBitt 29

Unless it's a case like #34 suggested, like they wanted to be friends, but she went crazy

@72: You're an 18 year old girl--I'm not convinced the majority of people your age have enough relationship experience to even have real exes.

That's when you leave and never look back.

That's when you leave, they're all dicks anyways.

Chellybelly92 14

wow how mature, since they're just nametags maybe you could rip it off, OR if you wanna be equally immature you should rip off her dad's nametag, sit in that seat, claim it's yours, so the only seat for her dad is your old one, one that says "fuckface" & watch her squirm a lil when its noticed

Dad: Hey, that's my seat. OP: She called me "daddy" in bed, and I'm not "fuckface." So ...