By Puick - 26/12/2013 23:50 - France - Sonchamp

Today, I went to a party organised by my ex. I was the last to sit down, after looking at the nametags on all 50+ chairs. That's how I realised the chair labelled "Fuckface" was mine; the one located between her parents' seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 9 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP. Maybe next time your ex invites you. You should just politely decline and cut off all communication with them. Especially if they're going to be very immature and disrespect you like that.

Why would you go to a party organized by your ex? It's fairly clear it didn't end well.


The best revenge is to have a great time.

Why would you go? It's organized by ur ex. RED FLAG?!?!

That's cool she invited you, but why invite you if she was going to be a dick?

I'm curious what fuckface is in French.

Since you willingly chose to go to something organized by your ex I'm saying YDI. Yeah they didn't have to act so childish, but common sense should tell you you're taking a risk by going to such a thing.

SexyWildRednecks 17

What the hell did you do to piss her off? Wait. Let me guess, you were breathing. Exs like that need to grow up and move on. Be glad you broke up with someone that childish.

I wonder if anyone actually reads the comments this far in. I guess we'll find out

Holy shit someone upvoted my comment, there are others who read in the depth of comment hell

pandabrr 12

Well, sit down fuckface... or just leave.

Ins0mau 20

Immature girl who doesn't know how to get over things, you mean?

If I were you I wouldn't even have sat down once I'd seen the nametag; I'd have just left. It sucks that you have such an immature ex.