By Puick - 26/12/2013 23:50 - France - Sonchamp

Today, I went to a party organised by my ex. I was the last to sit down, after looking at the nametags on all 50+ chairs. That's how I realised the chair labelled "Fuckface" was mine; the one located between her parents' seats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 609
You deserved it 9 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry OP. Maybe next time your ex invites you. You should just politely decline and cut off all communication with them. Especially if they're going to be very immature and disrespect you like that.

Why would you go to a party organized by your ex? It's fairly clear it didn't end well.


Shouldn't have gone to any party organized by your ex. That is common sense.

That sounds like the lamest party of all time.

Maybe it was a charity thing. Thats why she invited him and thats why he went?

Okay this is gonna sound dumb but what does op mean lol I'm new to this

Omg that must suck. Sorry dude but what did you expect?

Why on earth did you go in the first place?

Why would you go to a party thrown by your ex? And why at a party would there be arranged seating?

Chellybelly92 14

It's immature either way. It's a party with other people they should of been mature.