By Anonymous - 23/08/2010 06:21 - United States

Today, I went shopping with my Mom. I ran into my crush. A school dance is soon and he WAS just about to ask something but my mom glanced over and yelled "TAMPONS OR PADS, SWEETIE?!" He then changed his question to "Haha, so which?" And before I could say a word, my mother answered for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 007
You deserved it 3 670

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mum was just testing how well he could cope with crazy parents. Sounds to me like he coped with it pretty well. If he didn't ask you the question you wanted to hear afterwards, he probably wasn't going to be asking it anyway.

If he didn't ask you afterwards, I doubt he wanted to ask you anyways. I mean, seriously? what kind of guy gets put off by that question?


1121osu2110 0

it's not the end of the world if a boy doesn't kno that girls do that every month... then he isn't worth having.... op get over it and answer your mom next time... and what was it the pads or tamps?! hahaha

KatyB_fml 0

well that's kind of an embarrassing thing.. especially if she's young.

Is there a such thing as ****-blocking for females? Because I'm pretty sure that's what just took place here.

iSitt 0

your mom is just getting revenge for all the public embarrassment you did. but the coup de grace will come when you have children of your own.

KatyB_fml 0

your crush didn't want to ask you after your non asked that

DudeImWayBetter 0

mama says tampons are the devil

**** blocking for girls is twat blocking. xD

a school dance in august? that's weird. I smell fake.

Blue_Coconuts 7

Just be like "Tampons, cuz I like the feeling of something long stuck up there. *wink wink*...

boatkicker 4

#38, It could be a few weeks away, but even if it is in August, I know several schools that have homecoming really early. My friend's school had homecoming the Saturday after the first full week of school, and I know that several California school systems have already started.

alsnyder12 0

what's with all the capitals recently?

NoelLikesBirds 0

Well, if he changed his mind because girls have periods, you might want to find a new crush.

#76 I totally agree. Changing his mind because of something like that is totally silly! It's not like he's going to find a girl who doesn't have a period...

Boygenius50 8

If realizing that you have a period is what changed his mind, is he really worth it?!

supernice 0

or maybe he just felt awkward and was to nervous.

Brittney_E 0

haha. i have an almost similar story xD

YDI for assuming he was going to ask you to the dance. Sounds like you put 1 and 1 together and got 3.

hahafylop 4

haha iicaptain love your pic an your comment made me LOL

20, it's actually called **** blocking when it's females.

until you get your license, let your mom get them for you

I dated a guy for over 3 years and we didn't talk about "that time" so it just makes some guys uncomfortable

Your mum was just testing how well he could cope with crazy parents. Sounds to me like he coped with it pretty well. If he didn't ask you the question you wanted to hear afterwards, he probably wasn't going to be asking it anyway.

doink 0

That's what mothers are there for! Years from now they will just laugh about it. On a side note, if the mother answered for her, then why did she ask the question in the first place?

JabariG91 0

it would be a great wedding story

If he didn't ask you afterwards, I doubt he wanted to ask you anyways. I mean, seriously? what kind of guy gets put off by that question?

Thinking the same thing- how do you know he would have asked you out anyway. Flip side, if he was stumbling over asking you, why not ask him?

If anything that would have broken the tension and made it easier for him to ask

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

well K wouldn't... I'd be too shy to ask a girl out tho, so I'd never be in that situation in the first place...

I'm a boy and I think tampons are best they look like airplanes and nice and soft

...Aeroplane? Are you sure you know what they are? :P

Pads have wings. Tampons are cardboard tubes stuffed with cotton