
By anonymous409 - 01/12/2020 20:01

Today, I was going out to buy some stuff from the store. As I was leaving, my mom warned me to tie my shoelaces; I told her not to worry about it. As I'm walking down the street, I see my crush walking towards me. As I get closer and say hi, I trip on my shoelaces and face-plant into her chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 254
You deserved it 1 502

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There you go ladies! The reason many men are obsessed with boobs is because they can save our lives!

Playah!!! You got to second base before your first date! Smooth!


Playah!!! You got to second base before your first date! Smooth!

obviously planned, why else tell mom not to worry

There you go ladies! The reason many men are obsessed with boobs is because they can save our lives!

tounces7 27

I'd say you deserved it but since a face full of boobs is usually a good thing, I'm not sure one could say you deserved that.

bobsanction 18