This is Kerpal

By mickymoose1 - 17/05/2021 01:59

Today, a couple at the dog park, who seemed afraid of large dogs, tried to kick my dog for trying to say hi to them. They then called the police on me for lunging and yelling at the guy for trying to kick my dog. It's an off-leash dog park people, don't go there if you're afraid of dogs! FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 412
You deserved it 160

Same thing different taste

Top comments

My band was once playing music in a park (brought there by the city government in conjunction with the reopening of the park). As I was setting up, a dog came over and started sniffing around all my stuff. I locked eyes with him, and he kept a respectful distance. The one second I looked away, he started lifting his leg on my trombone. Our drummer saw it, clapped her hands in the direction of the dog and yelled, "No!" The dog's owner, who was about a hundred feet or more away and not paying attention to his dog, yelled back, "Don't touch my dog!" The drummer yelled back, "I didn't touch him. I just yelled at him to scare him away from our stuff." The owner yelled back, "It's a dog park. He can be off leash, and he can go anywhere he wants." The drummer yelled back, "He's over here trying to piss all over our instruments. Just because it's okay for him to be off leash, that doesn't mean you magically lose responsibility for any damage he does. Even if it's a dog park, you still need to watch your dog."

GoogieWithers 22

What utter twats! Walk in a non dog park if you don't like them.


My band was once playing music in a park (brought there by the city government in conjunction with the reopening of the park). As I was setting up, a dog came over and started sniffing around all my stuff. I locked eyes with him, and he kept a respectful distance. The one second I looked away, he started lifting his leg on my trombone. Our drummer saw it, clapped her hands in the direction of the dog and yelled, "No!" The dog's owner, who was about a hundred feet or more away and not paying attention to his dog, yelled back, "Don't touch my dog!" The drummer yelled back, "I didn't touch him. I just yelled at him to scare him away from our stuff." The owner yelled back, "It's a dog park. He can be off leash, and he can go anywhere he wants." The drummer yelled back, "He's over here trying to piss all over our instruments. Just because it's okay for him to be off leash, that doesn't mean you magically lose responsibility for any damage he does. Even if it's a dog park, you still need to watch your dog."

Glitterbaby2613 20

While I agree with your sentiment that dog owners still need to watch their dogs, a dog walking up to a person (especially in an off leash park) is a pretty common occurrence and shouldn’t be welcomed with a kick. God knows why you were asked to perform in an off leash park. In my experience, at off leash parks, dogs want to mark any novel item around. I’m surprised you only had one dog who was attempting to pee on your instruments!

the dog in op's story didn't cause damage nor was he attempting to. Don't like dogs? Afraid of them? Then stay your ass away from the DOG park

Actually, I was primarily trying to point out that OP left out details. If OP was nearby and watching the dog and able to intervene, then it's totally an FML. If it was a case of "I was chatting with my friends 100 yards away, not paying attention to my dog," then it's much, much less of an FML. Under no circumstances would I say it's a YDI, because kicking at dogs is never cool, especially in a dog park. I live near a dog park, and the lazy, inattentive dog owners tend to outnumber the ones who keep an eye on their dogs.

GoogieWithers 22

What utter twats! Walk in a non dog park if you don't like them.

bleachedraven 14

Unleashed dog park & they didnt expect a dog to greet them...Goofy ass people.

RussianHoosierMama 1

I was all indignant at first like, omg saaaame I’d tots kick a large dog coming at me unleashed, bc I’d be actively pissing my pants in fear...then came *at the off-leash DOG PARK*....uuuummmm 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

RussianHoosierMama 1

I was all indignant at first like, omg saaaame I’d tots kick a large dog coming at me unleashed, bc I’d be actively pissing my pants in fear...then came *at the off-leash DOG PARK*....uuuummmm