Getting the point across

By Anonymous - 05/05/2020 02:00

Today, I was discharged from hospital and I took a cab home. The driver drove really fast and made sharp turns that made me feel nauseous. As I opened my mouth to tell him to slow down, I threw up all over the back seat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 674
You deserved it 133

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wouldnt feel bad about it ****** should slow down

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

that's called consequences for his actions.... sorry you feel so nauseous op, hope you get better soon.


That's no fare! Just tip him an extra dollar or two, and that should make you just about even.

Why even tip him “an extra dollar or two”? Drivers like that shouldn’t be allowed to drive taxis! A quarter would be more like it. So that there’s never any question whether his passenger remembered to tip or not. After a while he won’t be able to afford to drive a taxi anymore. Good! Exactly the same goes for those who wait on tables. If everybody did that with table service people then the chances of always having a good table server would skyrocket!

I wouldnt feel bad about it ****** should slow down

Jillian Cosby-Kelly 15

that's called consequences for his actions.... sorry you feel so nauseous op, hope you get better soon.