By Cuppycake - 04/05/2011 05:33 - Canada

Today, I went on a first date with a guy. He parked his truck and reached in his door side pocket and grabbed a little black zippered bag. Seeing this, I burst out laughing saying, "Wow, what's that, your change purse?" He replied, "No, I'm diabetic, this is my blood sugar monitor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 767
You deserved it 89 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice, not only was the joke bad to begin with but then you find out he is a diabetic, you kind of deserved that one.

robc32ca 4

wow. kind of explains why you were on a date instead of in a relationship...


i have to agree i mean i am diabetic and its not like she was meaning to be a jerk

Every one here is acting like they have never said anything like that to another person I for one am Diabetic myself I mean what she said was mean but not cruel its not like she told him something like oh you must be a F@$%% cause you have a change purse she simply said is that your change purse.

Slhruman 4

So yeah, your pretty much have to give him a *******.

so tell me how does giving him a ******** slove this

yesterday it was Thursday, today you are getting dumped

DarthVader007 0

Hahah you must feel like a total BITCH .

OhMeShell 3

Okay, I really don't understand why everyone is acting like this girl said a HORRIBLE thing. Honestly, I don't even think the situation warrants a post on FML. She was messing around with him... She knew it wasn't a change purse. I guess if he has absolutely NO sense of humor, maybe it upset him, but that wouldn't have had anything at all to do with what the bag was actually for. And even so wouldn't it be FHL (f his life- because you offended him... or even because he suffers from diabetes), not FYL (because you made an ass out of YOURSELF)?