By vividrabbit - 12/07/2009 13:29 - United States

Today, I went on a first date with a guy I really hit it off with. Then he admitted that he was a recovering heroin addict and had to cut our date short to go to the methadone clinic. When I got home, I realized that my wallet was missing $40. I think he lied about the "recovering" part. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 881
You deserved it 4 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ever thought that MAYBE you POSSIBLY left the $40 at the restaurant, leaving it to pay for the bill but ACCIDENTALLY paying too much without noticing? You shouldn't just jump to the conclusion that your date stole it just because they take/took drugs.

ewwwww well look at it this way, at least now you don't have to waste your time on a 2nd date


ewwwww well look at it this way, at least now you don't have to waste your time on a 2nd date

Oh wow. What a crap-ass way to use you. Imagine, dating women to steal money from them. Wow. That guy has one foot in the grave.

If the film industry has taught us anything, its that heroin addicts are young sexy Ewan Gregor-lookalikes, I wouldn't fuss if I were you.

no kidding. at least it was only $40... he could have stolen your credit cards or even more cash... but yeah, FYL

@19 With her credit card it would have been fairly easy to walk into a store and get cash back. It's kind of sad, but I've been to stores that don't check the name on the card.

Yeah, only if you know the pin number...

the mone he stole was to pay for recovery

deathbunny256 0

the mone he stole was to pay for recovery

figuremeout 0

People suckk sorry grl at least it wasnt alot

how did you meet the guy. he obviously is a piece of shit. if you see him again you should kick him in the balls. lol