By Cuppycake - 04/05/2011 05:33 - Canada

Today, I went on a first date with a guy. He parked his truck and reached in his door side pocket and grabbed a little black zippered bag. Seeing this, I burst out laughing saying, "Wow, what's that, your change purse?" He replied, "No, I'm diabetic, this is my blood sugar monitor." FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 767
You deserved it 89 612

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nice, not only was the joke bad to begin with but then you find out he is a diabetic, you kind of deserved that one.

robc32ca 4

wow. kind of explains why you were on a date instead of in a relationship...


kev1029 22

I've never seen something so bad that I've had felt the need to log in and comment. You are a bitch. A special kind of bitch. Shame on you.

rhoeft95 11

I'm diabetic myself and have the same kind if bag for my monitor, iv had countless teachers tell at me for having my phone in class, when it's my a phone, it's my insulin pump

rocker_chick23 27

Even if it was a change purse, why would you laugh OP? My husband has one so he doesn't have to carry loose change in his pocket that could fall out when he gets something from his pockets.

Im diabetic and i honestly would have laughed at that.

Guys, i realize it wasn't the most considerate thing, but it's just a simple misunderstanding. It's a lot better than all the other ignorant shit us diabetics get, and that comment wasn't even ignorant, it was more inconsiderate. You shouldn't be making fun of them for that, especially since you all are being inconsiderate in return.