By sabrinatarmine_ - 22/07/2013 02:35 - United States - Carmel Valley

Today, I told my boyfriend I had diabetes. He won't talk to me anymore because he thinks I'll infect him with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 626
You deserved it 4 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Text him or something to convince him to talk to you. Try to explain to him what it is. If he doesnt understand or doesnt care, dump his ass.

Tell him you don't wanna catch his stupid.


Text him or something to convince him to talk to you. Try to explain to him what it is. If he doesnt understand or doesnt care, dump his ass.

Assuming her boyfriend has access to the Internet, books and civilization, he can learn about diabetes himself. If he can't be arsed to even do a 0.3s google search about a debilitating disease his loved one is suffering from then why should OP even bother doing all that?

It depends how long they have been dating. I she really loves or likes him, she will take her time. If not, then no biggie, and move on.

alexwow1 13

Wow sounds like a jerk. Forgive him once but not twice

For the love of God... Has he been living in a cave?

Ali_Br_fml 33

If he's that selfish lazy and stupid, maybe he's not worth your time. He can't google it? Before he decided not to talk to someone, or to think it'll infect him, why didn't he look it up? That's a big step (breaking up/no longer talking to someone) to take without first verifying the facts...sigh

he probably isn't your type, lol get it hizzzzzzahhhhh

Diabetes isn't a laughing matter it's a legitimate condition

Shit. Is it ****** up that I thought that was hilarious?

MikeonFML 17

They should allow people to type in italics for emphasis, cleaner and no need for "get it"s

The_Water_Ninja 9

his blood-ignorance level is too high...

Wowxoxo 17

Or as I say in the ER, type A for asshole..

Sounds like she's too sweet for him.

Wizardo 33

What insulin-ce, he should be educated about what it really is and the effects of it.

Dump him, we don't need anymore stupidity in the gene pool!

puffleprincess 7

I suppose he's on the shallow end of the gene pool...

Tell him you don't wanna catch his stupid.

puffleprincess 7

I would say you dodged a bullet there ... No way would I want to be stuck with someone that ignorant.

Neyuu 18

Time to clot your revenge, OP.

jw90 18

People are so ignorant these days.

EnigmaThe321 12

They've always been ignorant, if not more than today. Anyways OP, I hope you figure this thing out with him or look to your family for support. :)