Remember the TV show "V"?

By Sarah Lyn - 24/06/2019 04:59

Today, I saw the cutest baby watching a show with my Dad. After commenting how cute she was, my Dad goes on to say, "Yeah, most babies are cute. Except you, you looked like a lizard." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 711
You deserved it 240

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how the first season of V began

"That's cause you look like a dinosaur Dad"


That's how the first season of V began

"That's cause you look like a dinosaur Dad"

Are you sure your real name isn't Ann Unaki?

To be honest, I think all babies are ugly. Yes, even my own. And I'm female. It's just that the human brain is programmed to think babies are cute, plus it's not discussed in polite society that they aren't, because were all supposed to think they adorable.

sorry but no babies are cute. they all look like mutants, lizards or hideous lumps of flesh

I can safely say I’ve never seen a cute human baby. They look like larvae.

All babies look like lizards. Or monkeys. Or featherless chickens.

yaySweetpea 6

Anybody else think OP meant a baby was watching a show with her dad, or am I just an idiot?