By spaaaarta - 25/07/2016 20:17

Today, I was washing my car, and I decided to be kind and to wash my elderly neighbor's car. As it turns out, her sunroof was open. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 695
You deserved it 12 531

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're one of those people who poops without checking for toilet paper first aren't you?

So, is spontaneously washing other people's cars a thing now?


Don't know if she has given you permission before, but if she hasn't and you messed up her car badly, then you deserved this even with the best intentions. Its nice of you to think of her though.

Llama_Face89 33

Dude...I get trying to help...but never touch another man's car without express permission... If I looked out my window and saw someone else washing. y car there would be hell to pay...

Hi guys, thanks for the support, but here is some back story. I live in a sort of condo, and I have a shared driveway. Knocked on her door to ask her, and she gave me the go ahead and her keys. I rolled up all the windows, and the sun blocking mesh was down so I couldn't see the sunroof from the interor, and plus. She drives a big SUV and I could not see it from the top