By Anonymous - 15/07/2013 03:40 - United States - Odenton

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to drive. We were passing by a merge lane; I told her to slow down and let a green car merge in front of us. She said, "Fuck the green car" and sped up, colliding with it. Apparently she didn't know that would happen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 986
You deserved it 7 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

And that's when you reply, "**** getting you a driver's license."

\ 28

That, my friend, is a fine example of "YOLO." Or more accurately, of natural selection.


People like that are the reason why I was never able to get my license. I was always too nervous to drive after some entitled shit ran a stop sign and nearly totaled Dad's car. Especially because once Dad convinced me to give it another try, I got run off the road by some **** in a truck. I thought red cars were supposed to be highly visible... Needless to say, I've not gotten behind the wheel since. Two near-accidents while trying to learn to drive at 16. I'm in my early 20's now. And truthfully, I don't give a shit if I never drive again.

It's good that you stay off the road ppl who are afraid cause just as many accidents

Lil_Red777 21

That's why I'm scared to drive too:(

While what she did was not wise, the car merging should have payed attention to her by seeing if (s)he needed to slow down and wait for her to pass or if (s)he could speed up in front of her. Sorry that happened, OP. Edit: I guess it depends on where you live, though.

I would have ******* killed her right then and there.

technicly the meger has a yeild for the incoming traffic. so that teenager was correct.

TheDrifter 23

You really don't get traffic laws do you? Like op's daughter, please never drive again.

Smoothjc1 6

Op & and a lot YOU people need to go back to driving school, she should NOT have not sped up OR slowed down, She should have maintained speed and let the car merging MERGE.

Lil_Red777 21

It wasn't OP that caused the accident it was his daughter's fault. Please go back to grammar school.

luberdoodles 10

If she's only had her permit for 6 months, she's not supposed to get her license until she's 18

Should I say something about women drivers? Nah, that'll just result in uproar. People on FML are way to literal to take a small gender joke.