By backwardsinlife - 05/10/2009 18:53 - United States

Today, while in the drive-through for Taco Bell, I hit the car behind me after forgetting my car was in reverse. It was in reverse because I was worried the old lady in front of me was going to forget she was in reverse. She didn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 418
You deserved it 45 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what she meant is why would the person in front be in reverse.. there is no ******* reason to be in reverse in a drive THROUGH... faaaaake


liveBabylon 0

even an automatic has drive, and reverse come on dude...

Reyo 2

...that is such a stupid paranoia...I'm sorry. You might as well be afraid of living.

doodles88 0

i didn't see this as paranoia...this came off as "stereotyping" to me because she was an old lady lol

So let me get this straight. She is driving forward through a drive-through. You thought that maybe while waiting for her food she would change the gear of her car from drive to reverse? YDI for being an idiot.

vb68_fml 28

He probably saw she had the reverse gear light on, he's not necessarily an idiot

If you were driving stick, this wouldn't have happened. YDI. :]

Great. Did it cause a chain reaction with the person behind them too? Anyway YDI

MissNat_fml 0

maybe the submitted cause they remembered it from another time? op, sucks!

lolita_atilol 0

why were you in reverse in the first place?

what she meant is why would the person in front be in reverse.. there is no ******* reason to be in reverse in a drive THROUGH... faaaaake

He said it was because the old lady was in reverse and thought that she would forget that she was in reserve, but he was the one who forgot was in reverse

You BUTTed the car BEHIND you because you ASSumed the old lady was a BUM driver. That's a FUNDAMENTal mistake. Prison is not going well for me. -Plaxico

Haha plexico you're the coolest troll ever XD

The whole "agreeing with comments posted after yours" thing really isn't funny at all. You're not clever. So shut up.

I never said #19 was wrong though, I said #16 is lame.