By Anonymous - 15/07/2013 03:40 - United States - Odenton

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to drive. We were passing by a merge lane; I told her to slow down and let a green car merge in front of us. She said, "Fuck the green car" and sped up, colliding with it. Apparently she didn't know that would happen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 986
You deserved it 7 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

And that's when you reply, "**** getting you a driver's license."

\ 28

That, my friend, is a fine example of "YOLO." Or more accurately, of natural selection.


I agree with Druu.."f-$k getting her license"! You DON'T want that kinda ignorance (especially the kind that doesn't realize they'll collide with another car) on our roads...there's already enough of those kinda jack wagons out here with us normal respectable drivers.

I think you should reconsider her having a bike too!

I think you are now obligated to beat the living shit out of her.

Great. Another driver filled with road rage and a sense of entitlement. Since we don't have enough if those already... How is it that she displayed that sort of selfish behavior? Time for some tough love and much needed discipline.

nesto209 7

She said thug life └(^o^)┘

sioux4 17

Thank god I didn't do any dumb shit like that when I was learning g to drive. My mom would have killed me. I've only had my license for 3 months (seems much longer) and I have yet to do anything like that. Sorry OP, my suggestion is to tell her that in situations like that she needs o merge over into the next lane to let them in, slow down or speed up. But explain to her when to speed up vs down. Otherwise just have her merge over.

Lil_Red777 21

No sane person would do that, ever.

I probably would've ******* slapped her.

Why didn't she stay in the kitchen and make sandwiches?

dhaxor 9

She's a woman, if you expected her to be a good driver then YDI....