By unlucky - 21/10/2010 13:55 - United Kingdom

Today, I failed my driving test. The examiner insisted I that didn't check a junction before pulling out. I did, he just didn't notice because he was too busy staring at my chest. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 192
You deserved it 5 253

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know, it's possible to have your cheast completely coveted up and still have people notice it. It bugs me that people assume that she must have been dressed like a *****.

SwtCherryPie 26

maybe dont dress like a hoochie and cover urself up if u dont want people looking at you


SwtCherryPie 26

maybe dont dress like a hoochie and cover urself up if u dont want people looking at you

Or dress more like a hoochie if she wants to pass tests.

then tell him to look at ur eyes when he is staring at ur boobs telling him that u are properly doing everything

iceman26 0

it really simple. those people look for the smallest things to fail you on because then it forces you to come back and pay again. chance are you'll go to the same place because no one will fail you twice in a row. it's always about the money first, then sex.

You know, it's possible to have your cheast completely coveted up and still have people notice it. It bugs me that people assume that she must have been dressed like a *****.

nibawan 0

haha " Ain't nothing but a hoochie mama!" haha i haven't heard that in a whole minute. lol

codeman4543 0

may be should have shown more and you would have passed. be a dirty ***** all men like it

zp5 4
Numbar_Foar 0

You mean dirty men who do bad things and don't appreciate women for what they are like it. REAL men treat a woman with respect, they don't treat her like a sex toy.

sjuniorg 3

what if they wanna be treated like sex toys???

bauerd 0

91 I can see down your shirt!

chewycaq 0
kratos1586 0

im sorry what did u say? i was too busy staring at ur chest ^_^

hey #73, ur gross. and some guys actually would rather look deeply into a pair of dazzling eyes then see a girl dressed like a ***** and look at her boobs all day. just something to think about before u go lookin like an asshole all over the Internet...

82 "for WHAT they really are" subconciously you're just like every man...

Numbar_Foar 0

#31 - The fact that a woman with bigger breasts has more trouble breast feeding (Boobs aren't made for men to look at, the only reason women have them is to feed their child. In case you didn't know.), since she poses a higher risk of suffocating her child MIGHT have something to do with it :)

84, what purpose do full lips, a six-pack, and high cheekbones have?

spiritfang11237 16

signs of fertility and health. :)

i think i passed my driving test BECAUSE he was staring at my boobs.. and i was wearing a regular tshirt. how creepy is that?

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Seriously though, I could have a high-necked sweater on and some men would still look. OP might've been wearing modest clothing and the bloke was just pervy.

Yea, I agree with 12. I dress pretty modestly and still had a guy stare at my chest all last semester in one of my classes.

30 posted as a reply to the wrong comment.

Yea, this was pretty excessive. I wasn't the only one that noticed.

A lot of things are "natural", but still inappropriate. It's "natural" to be nicer to attractive people than homely ones, but that doesn't make it OK. In this context, "looking" was CLEARLY out of line - the guy's job relied on him watching the OP's driving skills, which he failed to do because he was staring at her breasts. That definitely crosses the line into perverted. OP, could you register a complaint with his superior? They might let you retake the test, or at least reprimand the guy for being creepy and incompetent.

JordeeChristina 0

uh, dont you think thats what she did ? you cant just go out w. out a shirt.

shit you should have told him he would have seen you look if he wasn't being a perv, and asked for his manager!!!

Sure he was... Keep telling yourself that. How would you know he was starring if you checked the intersection?

I wanted to write a witty reply, but I'm busy staring at those wonderful boobs of yours... @@ ^ <>

I find it amusing that you post this while having a picture that is pretty much a pure cleavage shot.

dude, ur like in ur 40's, she looks like she's bout 18. pedo.

Most people need a little practice on pulling out, that's why I always use protection.

Maybe she let her puppies hang out of the cage hoping that would get her to pass her test, eh?

He was thinking of another kind of pulling out ;). FYL for not passing due to a horny instructor.