By Anonymous - 15/07/2013 03:40 - United States - Odenton

Today, I was teaching my daughter how to drive. We were passing by a merge lane; I told her to slow down and let a green car merge in front of us. She said, "Fuck the green car" and sped up, colliding with it. Apparently she didn't know that would happen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 56 986
You deserved it 7 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

And that's when you reply, "**** getting you a driver's license."

\ 28

That, my friend, is a fine example of "YOLO." Or more accurately, of natural selection.


Looks like she's gonna have a bus pass instead...

Maybe a couple extra drivers ed classes? Well worth the money

That'd be the last driving lesson from me! Let her pay for a professional.

I would have slapped the shit out of her for being so dangerously ignorant and force her to spend all of her money fixing any damages insurance did not cover and she would be paying me back and kissing my ass for the rest of her life.

Lil_Red777 21

In FL we can get our permit at 15 and drive with a licensed driver over 21 and we have to have it a year before we can get our license.

She learned that from somewhere. Maybe from you??

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

And people like that is why I'm afraid to drive. Also why I don't like people

IT_Nird95 9

Time to let the wife take a crack at it..

You did a poor job raising your child. That's clearly evident not in her failure to drive, shit happens, but in her words and lack of respect for your instruction.