By AngelAshley - 22/02/2010 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was swimming in the fast lane at the pool. A guy in blue trunks was swimming slowly and really getting on everyone's nerves. I took a break, and looking around I couldn't see him. I turned to the guy next to me and said, "Finally, Mr. Blue Trunks has f**ked off." It was Mr. Blue Trunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 560
You deserved it 39 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.


if u can't tell someone ur thoughts directly in his/her face , don't open your mouth in the first place!

noobgang7 5
Horney4her69 0
acm309 0

to #12: I guess it's a good thing they DID say it to his face. HA!! >:)

Everyone look on covering comment #2 hahaha

jasonsaied 1

wow shut the **** up people acting like you wouldn't complain too

HamsteronA 0

perdix, how can accept anything from that troll. I thought you were good at stuff aswell

Lmao. Fail. But omg I hate that sooo much. During practice we were trying to get our best time normally was a 27.4 and all because the slow kid infront of me, my time went up to 30! Then they recorded the time and told me I need to stop slacking off. FML 

ILikePopCorn 0

YDI for coming up with the name mr. blue trunks.

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

Bugatti_Veyron 1

if your so much stronger than him, hold his head under the water for a couple minutes and it will be like it never happened :)

Should've laughed it off like you were joking with him.

Now that's what I hate when you don't realize that you said it to the wrong person. Haha.

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.

Your fault for saying rude things to other people, next time, look to see who your talking to before you actually talk, or just keep your mouth shut.

FMLoverAgain 7

It's a ******* miracle... Meh. I just ignore her anyway...

perdix 29

YDI for not having the ovaries to tell the idiot he was in the wrong lane.

It's funny you mention his wit muscle because it's located extremely close to his penis.

That's creepy as **** snicker, even creepier after seeing that picture of yours.

She looks like a sexy librarian offering a massage. And winking! Oh boy, yeah that's "creepy" alright. [!]

My standards aren't as low as yours sadly enough.

perdix 29

Thanks, snick, I am feeling kinda tight today, so I gratefully accept your offer to rub one out. Let me guide your hand to the muscle.

NicholasShreds 0

I hate Snicks. Know it all bitch. Anyways I gotta say, you deserve it for being in the fast lane when you can't keep up.

Perdix that last comment is full of win. Snicker is this in an open invite to everyone I'm available.

snickerdoodle no one but desperate ***** would want your greasy monkey hands on them. **** you

Dumbhaters are you angry because nobody loves you? Is it that you're adopted? Why be angry at her she never did anything to you.

Snickerdoodle(s), you may be a whiz at spelling, but you need to sharpen your punctuation and grammar. Also, you were rather redunant by scolding the OP with something about how he/she was "rudely" talking and reiterating it with a comment on how the OP is "childish and rude." Kindly remove your head from your ass.