Cheer up sleepy Jean

By SleepySleep - 09/06/2022 16:00

Today, I had a Zoom meeting with co-workers. I didn’t get enough sleep last night and it was early in the morning, so I was super tired. I dozed off and my head hit the keyboard’s space bar. Apparently, this feature allows the mic to unmute itself. The entire group heard my snoring. I woke up unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 476
You deserved it 1 057

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happened to me. I was up the previous night taking care of a very sick cat. I was working on an issue for a customer, I kinda drifted a little...and the next thing I know, I hear the customer saying, "...Are you SNORING?" I think, "Yippee, I'm DEAD." Sure enough, when I ask to end my shift early, my supervisor agrees immediately (seldom a good sign) and sure enough, an hour before my next shift starts, I'm told not to bother.

I feel like this is a situation where you’re 100% allowed to just call in sick, or give your supervisor a heads-up that you’ll be checking out immediately after the meeting


Happened to me. I was up the previous night taking care of a very sick cat. I was working on an issue for a customer, I kinda drifted a little...and the next thing I know, I hear the customer saying, "...Are you SNORING?" I think, "Yippee, I'm DEAD." Sure enough, when I ask to end my shift early, my supervisor agrees immediately (seldom a good sign) and sure enough, an hour before my next shift starts, I'm told not to bother.

I feel like this is a situation where you’re 100% allowed to just call in sick, or give your supervisor a heads-up that you’ll be checking out immediately after the meeting

Maybe if they notified their supervisor ahead of time. Falling asleep at work can get you fired (depending upon the company's desire to get rid of you, in other words, it's a pretext.)