Mid-life crisis

By theslutmuncher - 14/12/2012 23:20 - Germany - Merseburg

Today, in the midst of his ongoing mid-life crisis, my dad forced me to accompany him for some father-son bonding. The bonding involved me driving us away at high speed after he gleefully hurled a bucket of paint all over a store window. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 916
You deserved it 2 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Damn talk about living on the edge. Your dad is a real thrill seeker.

You'll miss these memories when you get older. Cherish the moments, especially these unique and exciting ones, so you can tell your children a bunch of crazy stories.


Damn talk about living on the edge. Your dad is a real thrill seeker.

Be careful though. Next he might want to do some real hardcore stuff like ding dong ditching.

Yeah, really hardcore dining and dashing, if you consider OP's username.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

Darn those kids and their courageous parents! *shakes fist in air*

1, yeah a real thrill seeker with an anger issue. Yikes! Better than him getting shitty drunk at a bar, alone, and driving home afterwards.

"Watch out, we got a badass over here." Ok ok not really OP I'm just picking. Your dad sounds awesome though.

They shouldn't be complaining, the store got a free paint job!

peachesncreem 21

I don't think the store would appreciate their windows being painted, even if it was free.


You'll miss these memories when you get older. Cherish the moments, especially these unique and exciting ones, so you can tell your children a bunch of crazy stories.

wow.. why did you go along with this again? i'm sure there are some ways to solve his mid-life crisis that aren't illegal

Wow. Got to be a wheelman for your daddy, huh? You guys gonna hit some banks next? Maybe do a little bootlegging, too? Have fun, OP, but remember - if you get caught, keep your mouth shut and do your time like a man. You'll get mad props that way.

he's trying to live while he can, poor guy. luckily you are not in my situation, my dad bought a motorcycle and is growing his hair out

pedosmurf 7

For some reason all mid life crisis' involve a motorcycle, because now my dad wants one. (he's 41)

astralvagan 20

Everyone is entitled to a mid life crisis, but that might be a little much..... Wouldn't you rather take out mailboxes with a bat?

I vote mailboxes because a felony is so much cooler then a misdemeanor (insert sarcasm here)

This is true but your chances of getting caught throwing paint on the store would be much higher than knocking off a few mailboxes.

Count yourself lucky. At least he's not going on Harley Davidson shopping sprees and buying a motorcycle

LappDance 16

Yeah, vandalism is much better!

look on the bright side! he's bringing you along with him every step of the way, that is true fatherly love right there!

At least Ops dad seems to include him in things, for better or worse.