By Higgs - 02/06/2009 19:10 - United States

Today, I went to the pool. When I hit the water the top of my swimsuit came off so I tried to put it on underwater. The lifeguard thought I was drowning and pulled me out in front of everyone. Topless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 135
You deserved it 6 223

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....


ahahahahahaha. stupid lifeguard. but maybe he was hot.....

#2 is the most dumb founded comment on here, how can a lifeguard be stupid for doing he's job ? regardless of whether he was hot or not. Dumbass

SasuNaru_fml 0

LOL Bummer, sorry about that. D:

i suppose boobs dont make good personal floating devices

bsshooter 14

maybe yours aren't big enough??? jk

That's great. Let's hope it wasn't a busy day! :)

anonymous0927 0

this was in seventeen. guess it could happen twice...the exact same way...

it's more common than u think...except the whole lifeguard part

secretsxsecrets 0

did he proceed to preform CPR on you?

Glam_fml 0

Hopefully you have nice boobs. If not, FYL. #7, a top falling off in the water is a pretty common occurance.. It is possible to happen twice. FYL for being an idiot.