By wrongman - 14/02/2018 19:00

Today, at the public pool, my boyfriend dived from one side to the other. I jumped in to reward him underwater, kissing him everywhere and grabbing his crotch, until I noticed his shorts were different. I surfaced to see that my boyfriend was still far away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 609
You deserved it 7 721

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are disgusting. It's a public pool, meaning there are possibly children around and you do that kind of shit. I hope you were banned from the pool.


New definition of "stranger danger" for the one you accosted?

You are disgusting. It's a public pool, meaning there are possibly children around and you do that kind of shit. I hope you were banned from the pool.

Obscurix 5

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They were SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. There’s nothing to be a good sport about.

DraftHail614 17

It's a public pool. Save that kind of action for the bedroom. With your boyfriend I mean... not the stranger.

I mean she's teased him now... why not bring him back to the bedroom too?

Lobby_Bee 17

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Yeah cause everyone loves getting molested.

unintended_consequence 5

Well you made someone happy or you are the next headline for sexual harassment.

Shorts? Rigggghhhttt! It’s when you did the crotch grab that you really noticed the “difference.”;)